Main Performance Hall at Kaohsiung Popular Music Center Complex
Kaohsiung, Taiwan

The 5,000-seat main performance hall, pop music exhibit area, pop music incubation center, and 12,000 seat outdoor performance areas were the central components of the competition program.

As the musical ribbon reaches out from the main performance hall complex, it shapes the urban context and transforms the walls and roof structures of the complex into a unique and iconic architectural structure. In key areas, such as the pop music exhibit area, it reacts with digital recorded sounds, videos, and music when touched by the users. Controlled by integrated computerized lighting system, the musical ribbon pulsates in lighting intensity and changes color as larger crowds converge for events.

An operable wall separates the main performance hall and the outdoor plaza. When open, the stages unit and allows the formation of a large indoor/outdoor Super Show.

On the west end of the main performance hall is a multimedia urban plaza that will host large outdoor festivals and performances, and when not in use, it functions as a virtual portal that broadcasts live events from music centers around Taiwan and the World.

Client: Kaohsiung City Government
Site Area:10 acres